Question on java keyword super and answers
class Square{
static double pi=Math.PI;
static void area(double r){
class Cube extends Square{
static void area(double r){
class SuperDemo extends Cube{
public static void main(String[] args) {
SuperDemo t=new SuperDemo();
void area(int r){
What will output when you compile and run the above code?
(d)Compiler error
Answer: (c)
class World{
World where(){
System.out.println("I think about our world");
return this;
class CounSuperDemo extends World{
CounSuperDemo where(){
System.out.println("I think about our country");
return this;
class State extends CounSuperDemo{
State where(){
System.out.println("I think about our State");
return this;
class SuperDemo extends State{
public static void main(String[] args) {
SuperDemo t=new SuperDemo();;
void call(){
World w=super.where();
What will output when you compile and run the above code?
(a) I think about our State
I think about our State
(b) I think about our country
I think about our State
(c) I think about our State
I think about our country
(d)Compiler error
Answer: (a)
class World{
World where(){
System.out.println("I think about our world");
return this;
class CounSuperDemo extends World{
World where(){
System.out.println("I think about our counSuperDemo");
return this;
class State extends CounSuperDemo{
CounSuperDemo where(){
System.out.println("I think about our State");
return this;
class SuperDemo extends State{
static SuperDemo t;
public static void main(String[] args) {
t=new SuperDemo();;
void call(){
What will output when you compile and run the above code?
(a) I think about our State
I think about our counSuperDemo
I think about our counSuperDemo
(b) I think about our State
I think about our State
I think about our State
(c) I think about our counSuperDemo
I think about our State
I think about our State
(d)Compiler error
Answer: (b)
class World{
World where(){
System.out.println("I think about our world");
return this;
class CounSuperDemo extends World{
World where(){
System.out.println("I think about our country");
Return new World();
class State extends CounSuperDemo{
World where(){
System.out.println("I think about our State");
return new CounSuperDemo();
class SuperDemo extends State{
public static void main(String[] args) {
CounSuperDemo c=new State();
What will output when you compile and run the above code?
(a) I think about our World
I think about our country
I think about our state
(b) I think about our Country
I think about our state
I think about our world
(c) I think about our State
I think about our country
I think about our world
(d)Compiler error
Answer: (c)
class Sea{
int a,b;
Sea(int a,int b){
class SuperDemo extends Sea{
int a,b;
static SuperDemo t;
public static void main(String[] args) {
t=new SuperDemo(1,2,3,4);
SuperDemo(int a,int b,int c,int d){
void find(){
What will output when you compile and run the above code?
(d)Compiler error
Answer: (b)
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1 comment:
That's really massive exposure post and I must admire you in this regard.
PIC Scheme
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