C questions and answers with explanation
1. Data types 2. Operators 3. Pointers
4. Arrays 5. Loops 5. Preprocessor
6. Structures 6. If else 6. Switch case
C questions and answers for interview
4. Pointers 5. Questions for experienced 1 6. Questions for experienced 2 7. Data types 8. Questions for experienced 3 9. Advance interview questions 10. String 11. Commonly asked questions 12. TCS placement question13.Tricky questions 14. C Linux questions
Online Tests
1. Practice set 1 2. Practice set_2 3. Practice set_3
C tutorials:
1. Memory mapping 2. Variables 3. Data types
4. Storage Class 5. Looping 5. Pointers
6. Functions 6. Arrays 6. Preprocessor
1. Faq pdf 2. C in depth pdf 3. MCQ pdf
4. Objective 1 pdf 5. C langauge pdf 6. C questions pdf
7. Pointers pdf 6. Interview pdf 8. C Test 1 pdf
9. Objective 2 pdf 10. C Test 2 pdf
Good tricky questions
C program examples FAQ:
4. Check Palindrome 5. Reverse string 6. Check Armstrong 7. Quadratic equation 9. Concatenate string 8. Reverse numbers
C programs on numbers
10.Print ASCII values 11. Strong number 12. Splitnumber into digits
13. Check odd or even 14. Find nCr 15. Multiplication table
16. Perfect number
C program on strings
1. Upper to Lower 2. Lower to upper 3. Print initials
4. Delete consonants 5. String palindrome 6. Sort the characters
7. Comparison 8. String copy 9. Find length (using pointer)10. Concatenation 11. String to ASCII 12. Reverse (using recursion)
13. Count characters
1. Selection sort 2. Quick sort 3. Insertion sort
4. Bubble sort 5. Merge sort 6. Heap sort
1. Linear search 2. Binary search
1. Two numbers 2. Swap two string 3. Swap two arrays
7. Octal to binary 8. Octal to decimal 9. Octal to hex
10. Hex to binary 11. Hex to decimal 12. Hex to Octal
13. Decimal to Roman 14. Roman to decimal 15. Digits to word
16. Currency to word 17. Units conversion 18. String to int
1. Addition 2. Subtraction 3. Multiplication
4. Division 5. Transport 6. Sum of diagonal elements
7. Inverse 8. Determinants 9. Scalar multiplication
1. Write text and close 2. Delete a file 3. Copy from one
location to other 4. Copy data of file
5. Display source code as output 6. Write string in the file
Complex number
4. Division
C program using function recursion
1. Factorial 2. Prime number 3. Fibonacci series
4. GCD 5. Palindrome 6. Reverse string
7. LCM 8. Multiplication 9. Sum of digits
10. Find power 11. Reverse number 12. Sum of n numbers 13. Binary search 14. Decimal to binary 15.Matrix multiplication
Print different Shapes
Sum of Series
Area and volume
1. Circle 2. Triangle 3. Equilateral triangle 4.Rectangle 5. Trapezium 6. Parallelogram 7. Right angled triangle 8. Rhombus
Find Size of data types (Without using sizeof)
Operation on very large number (Beyond long int)
1. C++ programs 2. Java programs
please write the program for follwing
if u enter number between 2 to 9 it will display like
good.. very useful
please write a program for following:
write a program to delete all vowels from a sentence.Assume that the sentence is not more than 80 characters long.
please write a program for following:
write a program which will read a line and squeeze out all blanks from it and output the line with no blanks.
i want c program conects to sql server displays global time zone??
hi i want programme on combination example "ENGINEER" possible combinations on this string using recursion function
Your site is very good.
nice article...
i can learn my knowledge from this site...thanks for sharing this excellent site...i hope keep writing...
Really helpful.Thanks a lot! Never knew selfless people like this exist. Thanks a ton!
what will be output of this please solve
int a[2][2][2] = { {10,2,3,4}, {5,6,7,8} };
int *p,*q;
Write a program to input 10 integers and sort them. Use a menu system to determine
whether the sort should be ascending or descending order. The process should continue
till the user desires to exit.
wap to find the height of the wall if the height of the ladder and the inclination of the ladder from the ground is given by the user.
how to solve the above question in c.
Given two arrays of size n, exactly one number is missing in the second array of the elements of first array. Write a function to return the missing number.
hey every body ...
ive recently found this site ... its very awesome ...
iam trying to sort a 2-dimensional array (in ascending order) based on the sum of each row.
this is an example;
1 5 7
2 4 3
1 3 2
7 0 1
1 3 2
7 0 1
2 4 3
1 5 7
can anybody help me with this ...
int main(){
int arr[4][3]= {{1,5,7},{2,4,3},{1,3,2},{7,0,1}};
int temp[1][3];
int i,j,l=4;
if(arr[i][0] + arr[i][1] + arr[i][2] > arr[j][0] + arr[j][1] + arr[j][2]){
printf("%d %d %d \n",arr[i][0],arr[i][1],arr[i][2]);
return 0;
Hi Alexis, go through this link
Remove vovels from string
Dear Mr. ritesh kumar,
thank you very much. it was a great help. i really appreciate
int main(){
int arr1[5]= {1,2,3,4,5};
int arr2[5]= {3,1,5,2};
int i,j;
int flag;
flag =0;
if(arr1[i] == arr2[j]){
flag = 1;
if(flag ==0){
printf("Missing element in arr2 is: %d",arr1[i]);
return 0;
#include <math.h>
#define PI 3.141592653589793238462643383
int main(){
float h = 10;
double inclation = PI/6;
float p;
p = h * sin(inclation );
printf("Height of wall %lf",p);
return 0;
int main(){
char str[100];
char squeeze[100];
int i=0,j=0;
while(str[i] != '\0'){
if(str[i] != 32)
squeeze[j++] = str[i]; i++;
squeeze[j] = '\0';
return 0;
Sample Output:
c programming lanaguage
please write a program in c to find complement of a set
Using one for loop and no need of comparison of numbers one by one.
#define SIZE 5
int main()
int arr1[SIZE] = {1,2,3,4,5};
int arr2[SIZE-1] = {3,1,5,2};
int sum1 = 0, sum2 = 0,i;
for(i=0; i < SIZE-1; i++)
sum1 = sum1 + arr1[i];
sum2 = sum2 + arr2[i];
sum1 = sum1 + arr1[i];
printf("Missing number : %d \n", sum1 - sum2);
Thanks for easy C tutorials.
hi ... can you write a program in C to find determinant of a Eigenvalue problem 2X2 & 3X3... please ... please.... I need It very fast ... thank you.
hi ... can you Write a program to find the area of a circle (2*pi*R) where R=Radius. (using functions)
Go though this link Area of circle>
I found this very informative thank you
best site ever
thank u very much.
thank u thank u
thank u.
please make a program for finding sinx using following series
sinx = x - x^3/3! + x^5/5! - x^7/7! + .... + x^n/n!
Can u make program for collecting the students personal info and store it in a files by allocating memory dynamically..... pls
write a program to create a file of structure.the file should have all the particuler of citizen who pay income tax like permanent account number,name,address,tax number and year.
please solve this sir.
please add the examples for structures and link list or suggest any link... and please ex plane union,type def .
please write an algorithm for swap sorting that uses the minimum number of swaps to sort a circular permutation
Write a code that determines the BER for a simple detector for a digital communication
system. A digital communication system can be described as follows: a transmitter sends a
sequence of 0’s and 1’s to a designated receiver. Due to nonideal wireless transmission, the
transmitted sequence is erroneously received due to the presence of noise. The noise is a
random signal that is added to each bit of the transmitted sequence and changes its value at
each bit. For example, you can send the following sequence 1 0 1 0 1 0 and the noise value at
each bit happens to be something like 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.3 so the received signla will be like
1.2 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.5 0.3. In order to detect the sequence, a receiver compares the received value
to a threshold of 0.5. If the received signal is greater than 0.5, a bit is decoded as 1, else it is
decoded as 0. You are required to generate a sequence of bits, add noise to each bit and
calculate the Bit Error Rate (BER) which is number of errors in the sequence/length of the
sequence. Noise generation could be done by the function rand you have to repeat the
transmission many times and find the average error rate. For example: a transmission of [ 1 0 0
0 1 1 0 0 0 0], and noise of [0 0.3 0.4 0.6 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2] will give one error at the 4th
element, i.e ber 1/10.
i cant do it plz help me :)
devlop a structure 'formula-one'. member should include driver's name lapnumber along with completion time for each lap,age of driver. devlop the function getdata() to get data from the user. showdata() to display the data of particular driver and average()to display the average laptime of each driver.use main function to call these functions. please solve this question.
Program to multiply 2 numbers without using multiplication symbol(Hint: add first number the number of times the second number)
give me the answer
post prog in c and explanation
implementaion for stack ,queue
conversion of infix to postfix
Hi bro, i was just trying to make a LUDO game for C, i just made the board of it, and the game is for just 2 players, just wondering, how can i create a function that moves the tokens, watch it out
#define F2 2//Codigo de ficha 2 para que no cambie de valor nunca y se mantenga el caracter especial cara RELLENA
#define F1 1 //Codigo de ficha 1 para que no cambie de valor nunca y se mantenga el caracter especial cara VACIA
#define B2 219 //COdigo para la base de la ficha 2, cuadrado RELLENO
#define B1 176 //COdigo para la base de la ficha 1, cuadrado VACIO
#define D123 254 //Codigo para que aparezcan dados imaginarios, es un cuadrado relleno con codigo ascii 254
void movf1(int *ptr){
int main(){
/*COmenzamos el tablero desde arriba*/
/*fila11, a21 caracter especial de comienzo de partida*/
int a19=1, a20=1, a21=31;
printf("0 0 0 0 %i-%i-%c 0 0 0 0\n", a19, a20, a21);
/*fila 10, f4 caracter especial de cuadrado, aplicacion de la constante F2*/
int a18=1, f1=B2, a22=1, c1=F2, c2=F2;
printf("0 0 0 0 %i %c %i 0 %c %c 0\n", a18, f1, a22, c1, c2);
/*fila 9, f3 caracter especial cuadrado, aplicacion de la constante F2*/
int a17=1, f2=B2, a23=1, c3=F2, c4=F2;
printf("0 0 0 0 %i %c %i 0 %c %c 0\n", a17, f2, a23, c3, c4);
/*fila 8*/
int a16=1, f3=B2, a24=1;
printf("0 0 0 0 %i %c %i 0 0 0 0\n", a16, f3, a24);
/*fila 7*/
int a11=1, a12=1, a13=1, a14=1, a15=1, f4=B2, a25=1, a26=1, a27=1, a28=1, a29=1;
printf("%i-%i-%i-%i-%i %c %i-%i-%i-%i-%i\n", a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, f4, a25, a26, a27, a28, a29);
/*fila 6*/
int a10=1, a30=1;
printf("%i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 %i\n", a10, a30);
/*fila 5*/
int a9=1, a8=1, a7=1, a6=1, a5=1, e4=B1, a35=1, a34=1, a33=1, a32=1, a31=1;
printf("%i-%i-%i-%i-%i %c %i-%i-%i-%i-%i\n", a9, a8, a7, a6, a5, e4, a35, a34, a33, a32, a31);
/*fila 4, caracter especial en e3 base blanca codigo ascii 176*/
int a4=1, e3=B1, a36=1;
printf("0 0 0 0 %i %c %i 0 0 0 0\n", a4, e3, a36);
/*fila 3*/
int b1=F1, b2=F1, a3=1, e2=B1, a37=1, d1=D123, d2=D123, d3=D123;
printf("0 %c %c 0 %i %c %i %c %c %c 0\n", b1, b2, a3, e2, a37, d1, d2, d3);
/*fila 2*/
int b3=F1, b4=F1, a2=1, e1=B1, a38=1;
printf("0 %c %c 0 %i %c %i 0 0 0 0\n", b3, b4, a2, e1, a38);
/*fila 1, a1 inicio de partida caracter especial*/
int a1=30, a40=1, a39=1;
printf("0 0 0 0 %c %i %i 0 0 0 0", a1, a40, a39);
/*DEFINIENDO 56 Punteros, en las ubicaciones que variaran*/
int *z1=&a1;
int *z40=&a40;
int *z39=&a39;
//FILA 2
int *y3=&b3;
int *y4=&b4;
int *z2=&a2;
int *v1=&e1;
int *z38=&a38;
//fila 3
int *y1=&b1;
int *y2=&b2;
int *z3=&a3;
int *v2=&e2;
int *z37=&a37;
int *z4=&a4;
int *v3=&e3;
int *z36=&a36;
//fila 5
int *z9=&a9;
int *z8=&a8;
int *z7=&a7;
int *z6=&a6;
int *z5=&a5;
int *v4=&e4;
int *z35=&a35;
int *z34=&a34;
int *z33=&a33;
int *z32=&a32;
int *z31=&a31;
//fila 6
int *z10=&a10;
int *z30=&a30;
//fila 7
int *z11=&a11;
int *z12=&a12;
int *z13=&a13;
int *z14=&a14;
int *z15=&a15;
int *u4=&f4;
int *z25=&a25;
int *z26=&a26;
int *z27=&a27;
int *z28=&a28;
int *z29=&a29;
//fila 8
int *z16=&a16;
int *u3=&f3;
int *z24=&a24;
//fila 9
int *z17=&a17;
int *u2=&f2;
int *z23=&a23;
int *x3=&c3;
int *x4=&c4;
//fila 10
int *z18=&a18;
int *u1=&f1;
int *z22=&a22;
int *x1=&c1;
int *x2=&c2;
//fila 11
int *z19=&a19;
int *z20=&a20;
int *z21=&a21;
return 0;
Very very usefull and good site
thank you very much
Can you send me the practical usages of NULL POINTERS?????
I have a doubt... is it true that a++ is faster than a=a+1 ?
Abhisek go through this link
Q. Significance of primility testing in formulation of public key cryptography algorithm.
can any one provide some agenda what to do and how to do this assignment?
hey please solve my question:
write a program to find out how many tiles of 25 sq.cms can be fitted in a plot of 100 sq. mtrs
hey please solve my question:
write a program to find out how many tiles of 25 sq.cms can be fitted in a plot of 100 sq. mtrs
if u know thee answer please mail me at rohanvgosalia@gmail.com
thanks to all
can you tell me how i write a c programme a given number is prime or not
Please help me, i want to implement a prefix expression in c - linux using fork and pipe without files and stacks,
such as: ( + ( + 8 9) ( * 7 5)) = 52
please the deadlock in 27/11/13
create a quee programfor following function using link list
c.print left to right
d.print right to left
f.count no of node
sir this is excellent.can u tell me any good site of data structure
Write a program which asks user name of a text file. Once the user enters the name,
your program will try to open it. If there is no such file (i.e. the user enters a wrong file
name), your program will not crash and warn the user with an error message.
Once the text file is opened successfully, your program will provide the following
functionalities in a menu:
1. Find: In selection of this choice, your program will ask the user a word. Once
the user enters the word, then the program will search for this word in the text
file and returns the number of occurrences in the file.
2. Find & Replace: In addition to the previous option, your program will ask two
words the user (word1 and word2). Then the program will search the word1 in
the file and replaces them with word2. In this option, make sure that you open
the file for read and write enable.
hİ , Can you help me please , HOW DO I DO THAT ?
Can any one able to solve following:
Define a structure called cricket with player name, team name, and batting average.
Declare an array of player with 5 elements. Write a program to read the information
about all the 5 players and print a team-wise list containing names of players with
their batting average.
i have a problem in java program .can anybody solve it
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class ComboxDemo extends Applet implements ItemListener
int i,pr;
String msg="";
Choice two,three,op;
public void init()
two=new Choice();
three=new Choice();
op=new Choice();
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent ie)
public void paint(Graphics g)
msg="first n0.";
msg="second no :";
msg="operand ";
msg+=two+" "+three;
in the above program i want to perform operation between tabels of 2 and 3.for thi what ihave to add in the program
Given The Positive Integer A,b And M With M>1 Find A^b Mod M Using C Program,, i need your help..
//how value of A=20
# define SQR(X) (X*X)
void main()
int a;
a = SQR(6+2);
printf(“\n%d”, a);
Admin pls write a c program for finding the given number is odd r even without modulo operator..
Please help write a code to program inverse laplase of a function.
It is very useful for me
your query is inappropriate..
-till here it is acceptable..
but later on, it should be like this..
and for the output..
the code is..
int n=5;
int a[5]={1,1,1,1,1};
int ar[5];
void disp()
int sum=0,i;
void clublast()
int i;
if(ar[n-i-1]==0) continue;
void main()
int i;
write a program to print the value of number in words when number entered is in the range of 0 to 999
John is standing at point (a,b) in an infinite 2D grid. He wants to know if he can reach point (x,y) or not. The only operation he can do is to move to point (a+b,b), (a,a+b), (a-b,b), or (a,a-b) from some point (a,b). It is given that he can move to any point on this 2D grid,i.e., the points having positive or negative X(or Y) co-ordinates.
Tell John whether he can reach (x,y) or not.
Having looked at the first test, it is rife with undefined behaviour. Asking what the output would be implies that it is defined, it is not. Thinking you know C if you give any answer besides undefined behaviour means you do not in fact know the language. There should be an answer available like "You will be demoted or fired if you are the author of this code". It could replace one of the answers which say what a particular compiler might output - a diagnostic for multiple updates of a variable without a sequence point isn't required, so the programs may well compile. They are not obliged to produce any particular output and the output could well differ depending on the compiler, its version and the optimisation level used during the compile.
Questions like these should not appear in this test, as it suggests that such prormaming is acceptable - it is not.
Write a program that adds up two 4x4 arrays and stores the sum in third array.??????
Pleas solve it Question in c++????
what is prototype declaration?
I need help in this program:
In c language:
1 - Create a text file containing alphabetic characters , numbers, and punctuation characters .
2. calculate the frequency of a particular word can be replaced by another of the same length.
Example ( tall instead of long )
I urgently need to Answer
any body help me>>>>>
We declare a function like int AddTwoInt(int,int) this is prototype
this may help you
int main()
char str1[100]="replace long by tall";
char str2[20];
char str3[20];
printf("Enter word which is you want to remove");
printf("Enter a word by which you want to replace word");
int n1=strlen(str1);
int n2=strlen(str2);
int n3=strlen(str3);
int i=0;
int j=0;
int k=i;
int l=0;
return 0;
int main()
char str1[100]="replace long by tall";
char str2[20];
char str3[20];
printf("Enter word which is you want to remove");
printf("Enter a word by which you want to replace word");
int n1=strlen(str1);
int n2=strlen(str2);
int n3=strlen(str3);
int i=0;
int j=0;
int k=i;
int l=0;
return 0;
Hi. I have a program that shows a matrix , sorts the numbers in the rows in ascending order. I want to modify it so it : (1)sorts the numbers in the rows in descending order and (2) to count how many times the digit ''2'' could be found in the matrix.
Can anybody advise me how to do it ?
Thanks in advance :)
void main()
static int array1[10][10], array2[10][10];
int i, j, k, a, m, n, count=0;
printf("Enter the order of the matrix \n");
scanf("%d %d", &m, &n);
printf("Enter co-efficients of the matrix \n");
for (i = 0; i < m; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
scanf("%d", &array1[i][j]);
array2[i][j] = array1[i][j];
printf("The given matrix is \n");
for (i = 0; i < m; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
printf(" %d", array1[i][j]);
printf("After arranging rows in ascending order\n");
for (i = 0; i < m; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
for (k =(j + 1); k < n; ++k)
if (array1[i][j] > array1[i][k])
a = array1[i][j];
array1[i][j] = array1[i][k];
array1[i][k] = a;
for (i = 0; i < m; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
printf(" %d", array1[i][j]);
As per MACRO 6+2 is replaces as (6+2*6+2). As per priority multiplication takes first. Then it becomes (6+12+2). The it becomes 20
int main() {
int n,r[3],i=0;
char s[10][6]={"Zero","One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven","Eight","Nine"};
printf("Enter the number: ");
printf("%s ",s[r[--i]]);
return 0;
int main()
char str[20],fnl[20];
int i,j;
printf("Enter the string: ");
return 0;
int main()
int i;
struct cricket
char tname[20]; //Team name
float batavg; //Batting avg
struct cricket cricketers[5];
scanf("%s %f",&cricketers[i].tname,&cricketers[i].batavg);
return 0;
int main() {
int one[4][4]={{1,2,3,4},{5,6,7,8},{9,10,11,12},{13,14,15,16}};
int two[4][4]={{1,2,3,4},{5,6,7,8},{9,10,11,12},{13,14,15,16}};
int res[4][4],i,j;
return 0;
Hi., Try this Program!!
Counting Factorial Numbers
Due on 2015-08-04, 23:59 IST
A number F is a factorial number if there exists some integer I>=0 such that F=I! (that is, F is factorial of I). Examples of factorial numbers are : 1,2,6,24,120,….
Write a program that takes as input two long integers n and m where 0≤n≤m. The program prints an integer k, where k is the count of factorial numbers in the closed interval [n,m].
Input: 0 1
Output: 1
//Reason (Do not print) : Only factorial number is 1
Input: 12 122
Output: 2
// Reason: factorial numbers are 24, 120
Input: 2 720
Output: 5
// Factorial numbers are: 2, 6, 24, 120, 720
1. The interval is closed, i.e., n and m are included in count if they are factorial numbers.
2. Ignore Presentation Errors for this problem.
I have 8 question any expert here who can solve if any one then plzz replyy i need answer as soon as possible
y can,t we use getint() or getchar() or getfloat() instead of getch()
Write a program to do linear search for an integer number in
an array of 20 distinct numbers. The program should return the
location of an element if the number found in the array.
your blog is very helpful for me for learn objective c. Thank you so much for sharing.
Good day everyone, can anyone answer my question? i am doing my study and i want to print the output in the file but only 0's appear in the file, this is the code
// Program to print all combination of size r in an array of size n
#define MAX 500000
void combinationUtil(int arr[],int n,int r,int index,int data[],int i);
/* arr[] ---> Input Array
n ---> Size of input array
r ---> Size of a combination to be printed
index ---> Current index in data[]
data[] ---> Temporary array to store current combination
i ---> index of current element in arr[] */
void combinationUtil(int arr[], int n, int r, int index, int data[], int i)
int j,total=0;
FILE *fin;
fin = fopen("filethesis.txt", "a+");
// Current cobination is ready, print it
if(index == r)
for(j=0; j= n)
// current is included, put next at next location
data[index] = arr[i];
combinationUtil(arr, n, r, index+1, data, i+1);
// current is excluded, replace it with next (Note that
// i+1 is passed, but index is not changed)
combinationUtil(arr, n, r, index, data, i+1);
// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
{ int data[MAX];
int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7,8,9,10};
int r = 5;
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
//printCombination(arr, n, r);
return 0;
\\suggestions and comments are highly appreciated.
Hi guyz can someone assist me in this c program quiz
(i) Write a function that returns the larger of two floating point numbers.
(ii) Write a program to convert Kenya shillings to USA dollars, when the user inputs the amount in Kenya shillings. (Let Kshs. 78.00 = 1 US Dollar)
(iii). Write a program that asks for your name and then inputs your first, middle and last names. Have the program read no more than 20 characters for each part of your name. Finally, have the program redisplay your full name
give me the answer
write a c program to accept sides of triangle and calculate the perimeter of triangle
pllz write a program in c which multiply two square matrices using divide and conqure algorithm
pllz write a program in c which multiply two square matrices using divide and conqure algorithm
Hi - trying to do this one but keep getting errors - I would be really grateful for your help please.
Write a menu-driven program that allows the user to fill an array, query the array, and print the array. The menu and an explanation of each option is shown below
Select one of the following options:
F. Fill the array with a random number series.
P. Print the array.
Q. Query the array.
Z. Terminate the program.
Thank you so much in advance
Write a program which takes any decimal number (b/w 1 and 31) and convert into binary and octal form
can use any logic and any language.
Must explain
answers properly.
please help me to solve this question
FCFS(First Come First Served)
Indian Rupee system had following denominations 100p,50p,25p,20p,10p,5p and 1p. Given an
amount in Rs. (Ex, Rs.4.67) Figure out minimum number of coins needed to get
amount. Write function name as minCoins( ) which accept float value as input and print out
denominations and count.
If you start with Rs.
1 and, with each move,
you can either do
uble your money or add another
1, what is the smallest number of moves you
have to make to get to exactly Rs.
, Rs.300,
Rs. 400,
Write a program to
calculate the moves.
please any one help me to solve this question
FCFS(First Come First Served)
Indian Rupee system had following denominations 100p,50p,25p,20p,10p,5p and 1p. Given an
amount in Rs. (Ex, Rs.4.67) Figure out minimum number of coins needed to get
amount. Write function name as minCoins( ) which accept float value as input and print out
denominations and count.
If you start with Rs.
1 and, with each move,
you can either do
uble your money or add another
1, what is the smallest number of moves you
have to make to get to exactly Rs.
, Rs.300,
Rs. 400,
Write a program to
calculate the moves.
please any one help me to solve this question
FCFS(First Come First Served)
Indian Rupee system had following denominations 100p,50p,25p,20p,10p,5p and 1p. Given an
amount in Rs. (Ex, Rs.4.67) Figure out minimum number of coins needed to get
amount. Write function name as minCoins( ) which accept float value as input and print out
denominations and count.
If you start with Rs.
1 and, with each move,
you can either do
uble your money or add another
1, what is the smallest number of moves you
have to make to get to exactly Rs.
, Rs.300,
Rs. 400,
Write a program to
calculate the moves.
use insertion sort for sorting a 5-element array in ascending order
write a program to accept 2 numbers and tell whether the product of the two numbers is greater than or equal to 1000
Code 1:
1. Write a program to generate the Fibonacci series in c
2. Write a program to print Fibonacci series in c
3. Basic c programs Fibonacci series
4. How to print Fibonacci series in c
5. How to find Fibonacci series in c programming
6. Fibonacci series in c using for loop
int main(){
int k,r;
long int i=0l,j=1,f;
//Taking maximum numbers form user
printf("Enter the number range:");
printf("%ld %ld",i,j); //printing firts two values.
int main(){
int i,range;
long int arr[40];
printf("Enter the number range: ");
int main(){
int k=2,r;
long int i=0l,j=1,f;
printf("Enter the number range:");
printf("Fibonacci series is: %ld %ld",i,j);
int main(){
int k,r;
long int i=0,j=1,f;
long int sum = 1;
printf("Enter the number range: ");
sum = sum + j;
printf("Sum of Fibonacci series is: %ld",sum);
return 0;
Sample output:
Enter the number range: 4
Sum of Fibonacci series is: 4
What is Fibonacci series?
Logic of Fibonacci series
Definition of Fibonacci numbers:
We assume first two Fibonacci are 0 and 1
A series of numbers in which each sequent number is sum of its two previous numbers is known as Fibonacci series and each numbers are called Fibonacci numbers. So Fibonacci numbers is
Algorithm for Fibonacci series
Fn = Fn-2 + Fn-1
Example of Fibonacci series:
0 , 1 ,1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 8 , 13 , 21 , 34 , 55 ...
5 is Fibonacci number since sum of its two previous number i.e. 2 and 3 is 5
8 is Fibonacci number since sum of its two previous number i.e. 3 and 5 is 8 and so on.
help me to write a c program that lists Fibonacci numbers between 0 and 30,and then find the sum of all.
so i need anyone who knows this to help me getting the answer of this question above.
Write a program that will read the value of x and evaluate the following function
y ={(1 for x>0, 0 for x=0, -1 for x<0}
(a) nested if statements,
(b) else if statements, and
(c) conditional operator ? :
plz can someone help me , write a program that reades measured values of ressistance in several times , the number of measurments is defined by the user up to 100 , the program need to diplay the average tha maximal measuered value and the standard deviation
int i,sum=0,n;
printf("\n Enter the n value \n");
sum=sum+( i*(i+1)*(2*(i+1)) );
printf("\n Sum of the series is %d \n",sum);
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in c programming after execution-----process exited after 0.01354 seconds with return value 13....can anyone say why it is 13 instead of 0
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